
Why i am choosing to trust my gut instincts in 2016

So a few weeks into the year and I have already had to really push myself to trust my instincts. Gosh! let me tell you it has not been an easy task especially being worrier like me who has a mini midlife crisis every time I need to make important decisions. my head goes through all the pros and cons of the situation when really I should be listening to how I feel.

You must be wondering 'how did she make the decision to trust her gut then?.....Well following a series of back to back events that happened last year where my gut was right but I opted to go against it, following my head rather than my intuition. I knew for a fact that maybe I was holding myself back from opportunities? Putting myself in potential danger or even worse holding myself back from achieving things that I never thought I could....

Matter of fact my instinct is what told me I should start writing and blogging, so here I am blogging! and it feels good. Decisions should always feel good, no matter what anybody tells you.

It leads me to ask the question where does intuition come from? I believe it is a message from above, from god. We are all born with a guidance systems and this is interpreted by feelings or emotions. If I feel like I shouldn't go somewhere, then you know what? I am not going. If I know I shouldn't be in a friendship with somebody because it feels wrong? Then I'm afraid I will have no choice but to distance myself from that somebody.

I honestly believe that trusting my instincts will NEVER guide me wrong. What's better than that? Knowing that god is guiding you not only takes the pressure off of you, but it also gives you confidence in knowing you are in fact making the right decisions in life.

So join me and go forth into 2016 trusting that little voice, feel free to share your experiences down below in the comments section.

Image result for gut feeling

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