
Post Pregnancy Body: Embrace? or Disgrace?

Many woman get depressed about their new figure or "baby weight" after bringing their babies into the world. After giving birth your state can only be described as euphoric for the first few months looking at the new life you have created watching his or her new milestones, noticing who the baby resembles more and not to mention all the tasks of 100 nappy changes and bottle feeds per day, but what happens when you get into the swing of things and you notice your  post pregnancy belly has gone ...nowhere?

It has been hard for me to even look down at my tummy because my previous one all of my life. For some, mum tums do not go away without good nutrition and abdominal focused exercises but should we be in such a rush to slim down or should we give ourselves a break?  Even if your sex drive is non existent and you're all of a sudden conscious of your body in front of your partner does it mean our bodies are a disgrace? Going through childbirth to bring our children into the world we deserve to give ourselves some credit we can make changes later .

3 Ways to Appreciate your new body :

Retail Therapy is your bestie as long as you don't break the bank! I am one size bigger and LOVE my new curves! Now it is true that we all gain weight during pregnancy and you might shrink back to your original size naturally but feeling good include looking good so treat yourself to a few staples that will look good until you choose to loose weight. If you don't want to get smaller and you have a good nest egg (like moi) then you can go crazy and really go for it. also it may help to make yourself over and change your style to give you a confidence boost. Hubby will like it too and for the single mothers you will gain a few winks and smiles but make sure you are happy with how you look for maximum confidence.

Eating Well, It is ESSENTIAL that you eat right if you want to loose the weight and your belly getting lean and tight all starts in the kitchen. You should eat well firstly because of how it will make you feel rather than how you will look in the end. I personally have eliminated ALL dairy and BAD CARBS I replaced a lot of what I eat with healthier alternatives e.g. white potatoes with sweet potatoes because it lessens the shock changing your diet can have on you both mentally and physically. Once you master this, you can do ANYTHING.

Keep Busy, go out with your little one even if it's just for a few hours, it can be hard to be out with you new baby especially if you're breastfeeding but going out will stop you harbouring depressing thoughts about your body image and keep you active. The idea is to keep busy, you can stay busy at home by watching your favourite TV channel, reading, or listing to audio books, organising working (if your a work from home mum) At the end of the day you will feel better knowing that you have done things that will help you on your way to feeling better about yourself.

Give yourself time ladies, your a magnificent human who just pushed out an amazing beautiful gift called your baby. Embrace yourself and Be Happy!

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