
The Art of Getting Thing's Done

"Why is it so hard to tick off your "to do" list for the day" you ask yourself?

That damn reminder you've had on your phone for god knows how long or that written list that's been staring you blank in the face for quite some time is a constant reminder of how much in fact you are not getting done.

You have internal warfare going on inside you because a voice has moved into your brain with all its luggage and is now your worst enemy because its an enemy fixed on trying to talk you out of dong things. You should just tell this enemy to move out right? SIMPLE! Not so easy I hear you cry and damned right you are, if it was that simple you'd have perfected this strange art of getting things done a long time ago not to mention you'd be living your dreams NOW.

Underneath are some ways, if applied with good intent, that you could improve your sense of satisfaction for the day.

1. Why?

If your why (reason) is strong enough then your results will be tremendous. When it's all said and done we are all doing what we do for a reason and this is our driving force, if you don't have a passion for what you're doing then it's useless trying, your fuel will run out before you even get started, if that's the case for you, then reconsider WHY you are actually working towards your goal and make your WHY stronger.

2. The Outcome.

Another thing to add to your weekly to do list is the outcome.
Adding the outcome of your actions of the day, week, month or even year will help you to stay focused. I found this helped me tremendously.

3. Let "NO" excite you.

One of our biggest inhibitors is our discouragement, you might receive "no's" left right and center but that is what should be our turn on. You will have doors shut in your face time and time again but if you believe in your dream and you're also tired of always being the dreamer it's time to be the achiever. If you let the no's in life be your best friend you'll start to see big changes in your life.

Believe in yourself and do what needs to be done. Make your life the happiest it's ever been or else I'm coming for you. (leave your addresses below guys)

Credit to: etthehiphoppreacher , Dave O'Connor

Pet Peeve Of The Day: Too Sick To Do Anything!!!

Now this is a great time as any to firstly talk about how we are already 5 months 2 weeks and 3 days into the year already *Mindblown*

This will make some feel a tug of anxiety together with back and forth conversation in their mind similarly to this *profanities included*

"OMG what am I dooooing"?

"Shittt!!!! I haven't even cleaned out my fridge like a promised myself January"

*Deep sigh of regret*

"I need to call my councillor"

and others do a little dance or bogle ( if you like) and rejoice because they are doing everything they need to do (p.s the above person loathes you)

I , on the other hand have just fallen sick after thinking that it was ok to suck the dummy of my sick baby after it was in his mouth leading to my sickness today....

I'm the kinda mum that thinks if we're all sick then we are all sick together and we will persevere and get through this like some titan ass people but then again the other side beleives it's better to be well so that you can better take care of the sick person right? right!

I made a conscious decision to start my business from home two days ago and had all this awesome stuff planned to do over the weekend and then BAM what happens..?

I fall sick, I'm talking DEATH'S DOOR sick....

1. my head feels like it weighs the same as a 13 bowling balls
2. my nose is blocked and I sound like chucky from the Rugrats
3 my sinuses are blocked and swollen causing my ears to feel like they are about to pop
4. throat looking like I swallowed 2 boiled eggs
5. can't sleep to save an elephants life.
6. I just about used 12 rolls of the toilet roll so my nose feels like sandpaper

So the baby is at my mother in laws who is probably more happy to see the baby than to give me the break and I am pushing myself to get work done. So answer me this one question please if you are reading this comment below this post...

Do you work through your sickness?


Do you just allow yourself to be sick and curl up with the blanket and some tea?

Thanks for reading through my mess of embabblement (made up words are a symptom of my sickness, did you really jus google that word? lol)


Chapter 1- I'm on my way to....

I am currently swaying to an fro from bliss to bliss, things are just getting better and butter...more like butter...

smooth easy brighter and lighter. I am becoming more
and in love

I awoke this morning in my new Apartment the paint still fresh the lacquer still sticky. Fumes? Nah, fumes are toxic this is NEWNESS. I love my home, a home is pine wood FRESH and laden with neutral tones shade upon shade deepening and lightening pretty and chic. Simplistic and tasteful.

I am Loved, I love so therefore I am loved, I am Love, god is my god graceful is he and gracious can I be in my endeavours for god is by my side in all ways always.

TIMING in its splendour cannot be controlled. The timing has been perfect, It is splendid steadily growing? I am intrinsically learning? I am... becoming more and more determined to make everything HAPPEN.

When I say that it is HE who has my heart I kid you not, when I say it is HE who controls my expertise I mock not. With him all things are great, when your back is against the wall who are you going to call?  JESUS is my saviour he is my pardoner my successor.

I am on my way to UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE.


Post Pregnancy Body: Embrace? or Disgrace?

Many woman get depressed about their new figure or "baby weight" after bringing their babies into the world. After giving birth your state can only be described as euphoric for the first few months looking at the new life you have created watching his or her new milestones, noticing who the baby resembles more and not to mention all the tasks of 100 nappy changes and bottle feeds per day, but what happens when you get into the swing of things and you notice your  post pregnancy belly has gone ...nowhere?

It has been hard for me to even look down at my tummy because my previous one all of my life. For some, mum tums do not go away without good nutrition and abdominal focused exercises but should we be in such a rush to slim down or should we give ourselves a break?  Even if your sex drive is non existent and you're all of a sudden conscious of your body in front of your partner does it mean our bodies are a disgrace? Going through childbirth to bring our children into the world we deserve to give ourselves some credit we can make changes later .

3 Ways to Appreciate your new body :

Retail Therapy is your bestie as long as you don't break the bank! I am one size bigger and LOVE my new curves! Now it is true that we all gain weight during pregnancy and you might shrink back to your original size naturally but feeling good include looking good so treat yourself to a few staples that will look good until you choose to loose weight. If you don't want to get smaller and you have a good nest egg (like moi) then you can go crazy and really go for it. also it may help to make yourself over and change your style to give you a confidence boost. Hubby will like it too and for the single mothers you will gain a few winks and smiles but make sure you are happy with how you look for maximum confidence.

Eating Well, It is ESSENTIAL that you eat right if you want to loose the weight and your belly getting lean and tight all starts in the kitchen. You should eat well firstly because of how it will make you feel rather than how you will look in the end. I personally have eliminated ALL dairy and BAD CARBS I replaced a lot of what I eat with healthier alternatives e.g. white potatoes with sweet potatoes because it lessens the shock changing your diet can have on you both mentally and physically. Once you master this, you can do ANYTHING.

Keep Busy, go out with your little one even if it's just for a few hours, it can be hard to be out with you new baby especially if you're breastfeeding but going out will stop you harbouring depressing thoughts about your body image and keep you active. The idea is to keep busy, you can stay busy at home by watching your favourite TV channel, reading, or listing to audio books, organising working (if your a work from home mum) At the end of the day you will feel better knowing that you have done things that will help you on your way to feeling better about yourself.

Give yourself time ladies, your a magnificent human who just pushed out an amazing beautiful gift called your baby. Embrace yourself and Be Happy!

Easter Ideas :The Baby Edition

5 Ideas For Baby's First Easter 2016

We all love Easter for various reasons for some it marks spring time for ALOT it means who can scoff the most chocolate in one sitting and for many it means spending time with Family, loved ones and kids.

Well what about the babies? Well they won't remember Easter, so what's the point I hear you say.

I have a 3 month old and even though he may not remember much of his first Easter I still want to do something for him so that I can capture some cool photographic memories for him to have a look back on when he's older.

Whether you need ideas for your own bundle of joy, a new baby in the family or a friends baby.

Dress the part

Okay, we know that half the fun of holidays is dressing up your child in a darling three-piece suit or frilly dress, tights and newly buffed Mary Janes. But trying to play in those clothes isn't much fun for baby! Of course we wouldn't dare say to skip it — just take some pictures and video while they are all dressed up, then change them into something more comfortable that they can move around and get messy in. After all, they're babies!
If you are crafty, jazz up a plain white onesie or romper with some Easter cheer. First, cut fun Easter shapes such as eggs, ducks and bunnies out of clean sponges. Next, dip the sponges into pastel paint colors of your choice and "sponge" the onesie. Or, use this as an opportunity to capture your baby's footprints or handprints. First, wash and dry their hands/feet. Then dip them into the pastel paints, and blot excess paint lightly onto a paper towel before pressing their hand or footprint onto the onesie! Make sure you use a non-toxic paint that is made for fabrics. Allow the onesie to dry completely, and then wash it before you try it on your little one.

Bask in the fun

Instead of just buying a pre-made, prepackaged
Easter basket at the store, get innovative and personalize one for your baby. Craft stores such as Michaels have great baskets that you can dress up yourself. Purchase some beautiful pastel ribbon to weave through the basket and it's handle. Or cut Easter shapes — such as bunnies, chicks, and eggs — out of pastel colored felt and affix them onto the basket with a hot glue gun. You can also find great little wooden shapes that you can paint and then glue to the basket, if you have the stroke of an artist.

Fill it up!

A beautiful basket is great, but it's what inside that really counts! Customize your baby's
Easter basket for his or her specific age. Since this is baby's first Easter, he's under one year old and too young for chocolate eggs, marshmallow peeps and jelly beans that would typically fill an Easter basket. Instead, fill the basket with a soft and cuddly stuffed bunny, duck, chick or lamb, some teething rings, rattles and colourful plastic eggs. Be sure not to fill the plastic eggs with anything — if it can fit inside the egg, it is most likely a choking hazard for your little one at this stage. Babies will love the brightly coloured eggs – even empty!

Hide and seek

A good old-fashioned Easter egg hunt can be modified so infants can join in the fun! Stick with plastic eggs here, since baby may unintentionally smash or bite into the real kind, and could possibly swallow some pieces of shell. Let baby watch you hide the eggs under his blankie or an overturned bucket or in a large bowl. Then help her "find" them by playing peek-a-boo to reveal the hidden eggs. She may enjoy sorting the plastic eggs into piles of like colours
or putting them all into, then taking them back out of, a bucket, bowl or Easter basket.

Easter eats

Remember that babies younger than one year old should not have eggs, chocolate, honey and other treats that go hand in hand with Easter. Many Easter candies such as jellybeans and M&Ms are choking hazards and should be kept out of little ones' reach. Once your child is over the age of 1 (and you do not have a history of egg allergies in your family), feel free to let your tot enjoy protein-packed scrambled eggs. Until then, stick to her normal food (she won't know she's missing out on anything) and focus on other fun Easter activities.

Let me know some of your ideas for babies first Easter!

Also Check out some cute Easter gifts for you and yours


Life Series: #2 Amilo


Amilo was a creative GENIOUS.

Well at least that was a fact the Amilo failed to realise.
To him. Amilo was:
"Amilo the starving artist"

When Amilo constructed his art, he was free like the Animals in Africa, he was utterly consumed in a colourful world that belonged to him.
He was self adorning and full of hope, he was strong, bold and brave.
Not a thing could stop him when he was in his zone.

A gust of wind opened up without being known and swept him to his feet, he found himself running towards a room.
A white room.
Surrounding him.
He tried to touch the walls to see if  it was real. Am i dreaming? Amilo said to himself.

To the right of him was a palete of paint.
The colours were that of depth
Opaque in colour
He tried to grab the colour to paint his white walls...but the colour disappeared, evaporated in to thin air.

Amilo was awoken by his girlfriend.

Amilo! Your going to be late!

You see,

What Amilo had experienced was a dream. He had many dreams, these dreams however were not the type of dreams he anticipated.

Amilo...You can be anything you want, but you chose to be an artist his girlfriend said.
I will support you no matter what you go through.

I love your creative genius and I have seen you produce emotion jerking work.

I'm coming with you to this Art convention today

Amilo was taken aback. Seriously?

Yes Amilo of course! I called in sick to work she giggled

Amilo was suddenly filled with worry and angst

What if they don't like my work?

No, they MUST like it. I like it and I'm going to stay positive!

.....Oh my god if I'm not shortlisted I will be devastated ive out my soul into this...

Maybe I should quit now and just work on it a little more

 *  *  *  *

At the convention Amilo saw and met many artists, he was exstatic because he had never been a part of an exchange of words with like-minded people before and it was refreshing!

He all of a sudden felt understood .
He spoke ART and so did they.
He exchanged number with his new artsy friends and they promised to keep in touch.

Amilo was feeling more positive than ever because of all the support his new found friends were giving him.

When they announced the shortlist...... Amilo wasn't called.

*2 weeks later*

To say Amilo was devastated was an understatement.

He fell into a black abyss, just falling constantly,

not hitting the ground

not scraping the sides

Just falling

the constant butterflies in his stomach from all this falling.


He climed out of his Abyss to noticed his girlfriend looking deshelved like she had been up crying all night.

Like she too had fallen into an Abyss

Deliah? Whats wrong? Has somebody hurt you? What happened

He had never seen her like this

You never noticed me.

You never noticed me supporting you.
Rooting for you.
You pushed me aside and dismissed my kind words.
I told you I would be there.
You never once looked to me.
You sang the praises of the new friends you had made but you abonded me.

Amilo sunk into a state of shock , His face remaining expressionless.

What Deliah had said was true and he cursed himself for it.  He vowed that he would listen to her , he apologised profusely tucking her hair behind her ear.

He kissed her forhead repeatedly and promised to be grateful to her always.Each and every day.

Deliah was actually Amilo's positive mind.
He abandoned Deliah, his positivity, opting to look to outside adoration and acceptance.

Ever since that day Amilo remained positive about his chosen field. He loved art and was prepared not to put himself down. He only had one life to live.

His dedication to Deliah was profound it shook up a change in him that he would never shake.

And to much his surprise. His Art career took off. It soared! All thanks to Deliah. Subconscience Mind.


iPhone SE: Have a look at the smaller NEW Apple iPhone!

We all remember the iPhone 5 right? Yes, I do indeed, matter of fact I still have it somewhere in my house. It was small and space saving compared to the newer models which is basically what the new iPhone promises, however this iPhone is only 4 inches big!

The iPhone SE may look identical to the iPhone 5 but its functions are that of the iPhone 6s furthermore this is not only the tiniest iPhone Apple has made to date but it is also the cheapest starting at $399 in the US and from £359 in the UK without contract and likely to be free on even a £20 a month tariff.

The phone brings many of the iPhone 6s's headline features. That includes a camera with the capability to record 4K videos, faster processors and connectivity hardware, and improved battery.
It also includes new chips that allow the phone to work with Apple Pay, meaning that all of Apple's current iPhone line can now be used to pay with.
Credit to:

The iPhone SE is due to go on sale March 31st in the UK.


Wedding Styled : Get The Look

This one is for the ladies, girls if you're going to an event a party or even a wedding this one is for you. I recently went to a wedding and watched and celebrated my partner's cousin get married in a  beautiful ceremony, It was a long day and I needed a stylish, elegant, effortless look that was also comfortable for me to wear. Stylish on a budget.

H&M: Sleeveless jumpsuit
Price: £39.99

Sleeveless jumpsuit in a slightly textured weave with a fitted bodice with a cut-out section at the back and gold-coloured buttons at the back of the neck, a seam at the waist, tapered legs with pleats and a concealed zip in the side. Belt with a metal buckle. Unlined.

Find it here:

New Look: Coral Suedette Snakeskin Texture Trim Pointed Ankle Strap Heels

A gorgeous colour in person ( Picture not true to colour) a lovely warm salmon pink with a medium length heel, very comfortable for all day wearing and dancing into the late night.

Find it here:

Primark: Black Gold trimmed Envelope Clutch

This bag in the above picture was bought a long time ago. Its my "go to" for a played down elegant look but I have something similar for you guys so here we go...

Primark: Black Laser Clutch Bag
Price: £9.00

Equally gorgeous, this similar leather look-a-like envelope clutch is a great steal! matter of fact I may order one myself. It has a textured paisley cut-out design all over with an attached loop for carrying.

Now you must be wondering what kind of jacket or coat you could pair this with?

I have two ideas for you girls!

  1. I wore this lapel jacket coat from Bershka at £50 pounds and it went beautifully! my coat however was a light camel version which I think went nicely with the salmon pink shoes I wore. The idea is to go with a big fur sheek jacket to bring the look together.
  2. You can pair this look with a put together blazer of your choice, i found this gorgeous Lavish Alice Cape Blazer from Asos for £54.00 which comes in a variety of colours. You can find it here:

Have a great time wherever you decide to wear your style inspiration ladies and remember to make it your own!



Write It Down Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser : Book Review #1

Have you ever written down a list of goals you wanted to achieve or even just a list of things you needed to do for the day?

You may think that this is just something we do to organise ourselves or that its just a "to do and not to forget list" however what we are doing is much more powerful than what we think. We are in fact writing to soothe ourselves, our doubts and even solidify what we want.

This book has inspired me to do more of what I was already doing, writing to who I want in my life and writing as if those things i wanted had already been manifested. This book will make you dive deeper than the outer layers of your wishes. You may have something holding you back stopping you from going for what you want, this book will make you write it out so that in essence you are writing to find solution to what exactly is with holding you from realising your dreams and in essence  will help you to "Make It Happen"

My Testimony:

I wrote e-mails to my future Partner/Husband (an e-mail I made up) so that I could really feel the emotions of what it would be like to have my desired partner in my life, the goal was to make him feel real in order to manifest him into reality. My desire was strong that in turn I met my now partner and father to my child within months of writing those initial e-mails and now two years later here we are. Upon seeing the title to this book I decided that I had to read up on it and that maybe it could help me expand my already realised power of writing.

I found that this book very easy to reference as it cuts up the topics into sections with a small review at the end of each chapter where it shows you how you can personally apply the strategies discussed to real life.
It is made up of stories where the strategies have worked for others in so many different circumstances and has also asked all the posing questions one could ask about weather this theory works or not.

It doesnt matter if you are not good at writing, you don't have to be! You simply have to start somewhere and this book will help you figure out what works best for you.

A very easy read I would HIGHLY recommend adding this book to your self help library guys!

Follow me for more book reviews.



Life Series: #1 Lila


Lila was constantly worried.

Worried about what people were thinking of her and how people perceived her.

She lived inside herself engaging in many witty funny conversations with herself inside her head.

Lila thought that everything outside of herself was a threat, she didn’t think she knew how to relate to people.

Lila felt like a Robin in the midst of Seagulls.

She flew free at home,she let go and sung the joys of her heart amongst close loved ones who had known her all her life,

But Lila remained fearful of the colours of her own feathers.

Lila decided she wanted to change, she was often angry at herself and had decided she wanted more from life.

That night Lila dropped to her knees and prayed pouring out her soul through tears.

One crisp and sunny morning Lila was walking around her neighbourhood in an attempt to clear her mind from the night before.

She came across a beautiful store laden with tall stemmed flowers and blossomed plants.

The store seemed to glow from all the pale coloured petals it contained with hues of light pink and ivory, sheer blues, faint peaches and fair lilacs.

The flowers were accented by antique ornaments, picture frames, furniture and…
One particular piece stood out to her, it was a flower, one she couldn’t name.

It stood there in a huge birds cage.

Lila knew she had to buy it, it depicted her.

When she arrived home she sat and stared at the poetic representation of herself, she studied it looking at the beautiful flower through the cage, the way the light hit the flower was beautiful.

Lila knew that all it took was for her to open her cage door.

Why was it so hard? Why did she torment herself?
What would it take for her to let go and fly free?

Lila decided she would fill her cage with compliments written on cards. All the compliments she received from people and what she knew to be true of herself.

After 3 months of this Lila felt so much better about herself and came to love the cage around the flower.

Without the cage the flower couldn’t have looked so beautiful and couldn’t have held all those compliment cards around it.

She decided that she had the key to the cage and she knew she could access the flower anytime she wished.

Not only that but she could also still see the flower inside the cage through the thin bars which when the sun Shon, cast a pattern upon her the flower and she appreciated that too.

Lila appreciated her flaws and her beauty and thanked god for showing her what she had failed to see and began to finally let go and live.

Lila was beautiful the way she was.


Be You. Make sure you are saying something when you are saying something. Its important to sound like you, to feel like you to be like you. Be you ~ Erykah Badu


The Confessions Of A New Mummy

While I LOVE my little bundle of joy (currently 2 months old) it can be quite challenging to keep it ALL together, house chores included, when you have a little one hanging off your hip most of the time.

Here are my….. Confessions Of a New Mummy:

I sometimes don’t burp him. oops!….not good, I know it's just that I’m just so damn knackered at night.

I leave him in his nappies just a tad bit longer than I’m supposed to, not too long that his nappy is leaking and oozing or that he develops nappy rash, but just long enough to get FULL use out of the nappy. (this would make a great post on martin’s money saving tips)
As a matter of fact here you go

I have to put him in his car seat in the bathroom with me just so I can take a shower and an eye on him at the same time otherwise leaving the house will become a myth and i’ll end up saying “sod this” and going back to bed.

I wish he would stop growing grrrrr he’s so cute at this age *one tear*.

When I’m down to his last clean bottle I pretend to be asleep so that hubby can wash & sterilize his dirty bottles that have been piling up all day and boil water ready for the nights pending struggle of bottle feeding (Don’t tell him please….im serious)

I used to be “spaghetti betty”  I.e. a skinny girl but I’ve gained some sexy baby weight which I pretend I’m not proud of just so that I don’t offend the actual big mummies who have hang ups about their baby weight. (I’m still quite slim just have gained some hips, bum and chest, I waited 26 years for this so let me shine! I struggle to get my old leggings on YAY!  #skinnygirlproblems. I can’t go wrong there ey?)

I use my baby as an excuse not to go somewhere :)

I’m coping well as my baby is pretty easy and I’m scared, wondering if this will all change once he hits his terrible 2’s and 3’s (day dreams about a toddler pulling my hair and screaming in my ear that he wants to be fed THIS INSTANT, run through my mind)

Sometimes I dream about going out on the tiles and enjoying the party life for a night minus the baby vomit on my clothes.

So there you have it….im not the perfect mummy and I had to bore someone with my confessions cos they run rampant in my mind. Comment down below and let me know your what confessions are mummies …


Is Success Everything?

Image result for happiness photography

I cannot tell you how many times i have attempted to make something of my life and ran away from what i was trying to acheive. It's not that i think i dont have what it takes, it's just that i haven't believed in where it could go. Ive had many urika moments and great ideas but have never pushed myself enough to materialise the greatness i had conjured up in my mind.

I recall the many times I have said " He/She is lucky, they knew what they wanted to do from the beginning" and "If its your passion then of course you will do well"  I have envied those who have just instinctively known from the get go what they wanted to do in life and just persued it effortlessly, or so it seemed...

My question was always "if only i could have that same passion about something I love...."?
But this leaves me wondering why we do put so much pressure on ourselves to achieve at a particular time? To be earning a particular amount in a particular type of career?

Ultimately it shouldnt be how fast and how much but rather how spiritually rewarding? Will i get job satisfaction out of this? I've always believed in experimenting! You never know where it might lead you. Now I know this any seem like a waste of time, or even seem like a lack of direction but how can that be true when seeking your passion?

As much as my eyes could only see people, who were sure of what they wanted, suceeding and doing well, I still knew people who had taken routes that at first seemed right but wern't, a lot of people who couldnt make up their minds what they wanted to do in life, people who have tried and failed many times again, people who still havent got it figured out in their 30's

Those people had the best stories to tell and are actually quite inspiring. They indeed attended the school of life which is in my opinion the best type of school to attend

Question is what are the effective ways in which you could actually make finding your passion work for you? Here are a few techniques that could be helpful:

1. Remember you are Unique!

Do not compare yourself to anybody better yet delete all social media because it paints pictures of people seeming to be doing better but they're only show you what they would like for you to see. So go easy on yourself.

2. Write down your ideas

Writing down your ideas will help keep you creative and keep your ideas flowing.

3. Experiment!

Try new things, study things you think could be a potential passion. Doing in-depth research on the subject you intend to study will help you conclude weather its right for you

4. Work!

If you can get your foot in the door and try different roles you never know where it could take you, sometimes it could uncover a role you never knew existed and you could end up loving it. Or similarly you could discover a set of skills you also ever knew you had.

5. Choose happiness!

If you choose happiness it will undoubtedly bring you the financial freedom you are seeking. 

If it don't make you happy, it don't make sense. Happiness is everything and after all that's all we ever want in life, right?


Why i am choosing to trust my gut instincts in 2016

So a few weeks into the year and I have already had to really push myself to trust my instincts. Gosh! let me tell you it has not been an easy task especially being worrier like me who has a mini midlife crisis every time I need to make important decisions. my head goes through all the pros and cons of the situation when really I should be listening to how I feel.

You must be wondering 'how did she make the decision to trust her gut then?.....Well following a series of back to back events that happened last year where my gut was right but I opted to go against it, following my head rather than my intuition. I knew for a fact that maybe I was holding myself back from opportunities? Putting myself in potential danger or even worse holding myself back from achieving things that I never thought I could....

Matter of fact my instinct is what told me I should start writing and blogging, so here I am blogging! and it feels good. Decisions should always feel good, no matter what anybody tells you.

It leads me to ask the question where does intuition come from? I believe it is a message from above, from god. We are all born with a guidance systems and this is interpreted by feelings or emotions. If I feel like I shouldn't go somewhere, then you know what? I am not going. If I know I shouldn't be in a friendship with somebody because it feels wrong? Then I'm afraid I will have no choice but to distance myself from that somebody.

I honestly believe that trusting my instincts will NEVER guide me wrong. What's better than that? Knowing that god is guiding you not only takes the pressure off of you, but it also gives you confidence in knowing you are in fact making the right decisions in life.

So join me and go forth into 2016 trusting that little voice, feel free to share your experiences down below in the comments section.

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